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Cowardly matador arrested for fleeing ring (Трусливый матадор арестован за побег с арены)

A Mexican matador was arrested for breaching his contract after losing his nerve and running from the bullring. Мексиканский матадор был арестован за нарушение контракта после нервного срыва и побега с арены.

Terrified Christian Hernandez dropped his red cape and ran from the charging bull during an event at the Plaza Mexico in Mexico City on Sunday. В воскресенье испуганный Кристиан Фернандес бросил свой красный плащ и побежал прочь от атакующего быка во время выступления в Плаза Мексико в Мехико.
cape [keɪp] – a long loose piece of clothing without sleeves that fastens around your neck and hangs from your shoulders (накидка, плащ)
charge [ʧɑːʤ] – to deliberately rush quickly towards someone or something in order to attack them (атаковать, нападать):
Then, with a final effort, our men charged the enemy for the last time.
The 22-year-old vaulted over the protective wall at the side of the ring as the crowd hooted and whistled in derision. Двадцатидвухлетний тореро перепрыгнул через защитную стену рядом с ареной, так что толпа загудела и насмешливо засвистела.
vault [vɔːlt] – to jump over something in one movement, using your hands or a pole to help you:
The robber vaulted over the counter and took $200 in cash.
hoot – to laugh loudly because you think something is funny or stupid (гикать, улюлюкать)
derision [dɪ’rɪʒ(ə)n] – when you show that you think someone or something is stupid or silly (высмеивание):
His speech was greeted with derision by opposition leaders.
He was briefly persuaded back into the bullring by organisers but gave up before coming face to face with half-ton beast and skulked from the ring a second time. Организаторы быстро убедили его вернуться обратно на арену, но он сдался ещё до того, как встретился с пятисоткилограммовым животным лицом к лицу, и во второй раз сбежал с арены.
beast [bi:st] – (written) an animal, especially a large or dangerous one
skulk [skʌlk] – избегать (чего-л.)
He was arrested after the bullfight following complaints by organisers that he had breached his contract. He was later released after paying a fine. Его арестовали по окончании боя быков после того, как от организаторов мероприятия поступили жалобы о том, что он нарушил контракт. Позднее, после выплаты штрафа, он был отпущен.
breach – an action that breaks a law, rule, or agreement
They sued the company for breach of contract.
The torero, who was badly gored in the leg during a bullfight several months ago, admitted that he had lost his nerve and would now retire from bullfighting altogether. Тореро, у которого несколько месяцев назад во время боя быков была серьезно повреждена нога, признался, что потерял самообладание и теперь совсем собирается уйти из корриды.
gore [gɔː] – if an animal gores someone, it wounds them with its horns or tusks (бодать):
He was attacked and gored by a bull.
“There are some things you must be aware of about yourself,” he said. “I didn’t have the ability, I didn’t have the balls, this is not my thing.” “Есть вещи, которые вы должны знать о самом себе”, – сказал он. “У меня не было способностей к этому занятию, я не получал от этого удовольствия, это не по мне”.
have a ball – (informal) to have a very good time
Источник: http://www.telegraph.co.uk