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Cat owners ‘more educated than dog owners’ (Владельцы кошек более образованны, чем владельцы собак)

Долгое время считалось, что кошки умнее собак, и сейчас, похоже, то же самое можно сказать об их владельцах.

Cats have long been thought to be cleverer than dogs – and now it seems the same is true of their owners. Долгое время считалось, что кошки умнее собак, и сейчас, похоже, то же самое можно сказать об их владельцах.
owner[‘əunə] – someone who owns something
have long been thought – здесь passive voice (пассивный залог ) + present perfect
passive voice – т.к. не кошки считали, что они умнее, а кто-то считал их умнее
passive voice = form of “to be” + past participle
present perfect – описывается продолжительное действие вплоть до сегодняшнего момента
Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.
present perfect = has/have + past participle

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People with cats are more likely to have university degrees than those with dogs, according to a scientific survey of pet ownership. Согласно научному исследованию владельцев домашних животных, более вероятным оказалось то, что люди с кошками имеют университетский диплом, чем люди с собаками.
degree[dɪ’griː] – a course of study at a university or college, or the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course (диплом, учёная степень)
Applicants must have a degree in Engineering.
second university degree – второе высшее образование
The study also revealed that the combined cat and dog population of Britain is more than 20.8 million – 50 per cent higher than previously thought. Также исследование показало, что общая популяция кошек и собак Британии составляет более 20.8 миллионов, что на 50 процентов выше, чем считалось ранее.
combined[kəm’baɪnd] – a combined total is the sum of two or more quantities or figures added together (объединённый, совместный)
We could only afford a small flat, even on our combined salaries.
Researchers at the University of Bristol say that the superior intelligence of cat owners is unlikely to be caused by their exposure to the famously cunning and selfish pets. Исследователи Бристольского университета утверждают, что причиной более высокого уровня интеллекта владельцев кошек не может быть воздействие на них домашних животных, знаменитых своей хитростью и эгоистичностью.
superior[s(j)uː’pɪərɪə] – better, more powerful, more effective etc than a similar person or thing, especially one that you are competing against (лучший, превосходящий)
Your computer is far superior to mine.
intelligence[ɪn’telɪʤ(ə)n(t)s] – the ability to learn, understand, and think about things (интеллект)
AI – artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект
exposure[ɪk’spəuʒə], [ek-] – подвергание (какому-л. воздействию)
Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer
cunning[‘kʌnɪŋ] – someone who is cunning is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they want (хитрый, коварный)
She’s a cunning little devil! She left for school as usual, and then went into town instead with her friends
selfish[‘selfɪʃ] – caring only about yourself and not about other people – used to show disapproval (эгоистичный)
How can you be so selfish?
Rather, more educated people tend to work longer hours and choose a pet to fit their lifestyles. Unlike dogs, cats require no walking and can manage with little human company. Скорее всего, более образованные люди имеют удлиненный рабочий день и выбирают домашних любимцев, которые подходят к их стилю жизни. В отличие от собак кошки не нуждаются в выгуливании и могут обходиться совсем малым обществом человека.
fit [fɪt] – подходить
Scientists often select facts to fit their theories.
Dr Jane Murray, Cats Protection Lecturer in Feline Epidemiology, who led the study, said: “We don’t think it is associated with income because that was one of the variables we looked at, and there was little difference. Доктор Джейн Мюррей, лектор по охране кошек в сфере Кошачьей Эпидемиологии, которая возглавила исследование, говорит: “Мы не считаем, что здесь имеется взаимосвязь с размером дохода, так как при его рассмотрении этот показатель мало отличался.
feline[‘fiːlaɪn] – животное из семейства кошачьих
epidemiology[ˌepɪˌdiːmɪ’ɔləʤɪ] – the study of the way diseases spread, and how to control them
variable[‘vɛərɪəbl] – (мат.) переменная (величина)
There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.
“Cats require less time per day than a dog, so they are more popular with educated people who work late and have long commutes.” Кошки требуют от человека меньше времени в день, чем собаки, поэтому они более популярны у образованных людей, которые работают допоздна и много времени тратят на дорогу от работы до дома.
commute[kə’mjuːt] – the journey to work every day (поездка на работу)
My commute is killing me!
Homes with degree-holders were 1.36 times more likely to have a cat than other households. The same homes were less likely to have a dog than households where no-one went to university. Вероятность того, что в семьях обладателей ученых степеней живет кошка, в 1,36 раз выше, чем в других семьях. Менее вероятно и то, что в таких семьях живет собака, в отличие от семей, в которых никто не получил высшее образование.
five/ten/many etc times – used to say how much greater, more etc one thing is than another:
Sound travels four times faster in water than in air
household[‘haushəuld] – all the people who live together in one house (= house) (семейство, семья):
A growing number of households have at least one computer.
The study, published in the Veterinary Record journal, also found that cat owners were more likely to be older and female. Both cat and dog owners were more likely than the general population to live in households with gardens in rural areas. Исследование, опубликованное в журнале “Ветеринарные записи”, выявило, что владельцами кошек являются по большей части представители старшего возраста и женского пола. Владельцы, как кошек, так и собак, в отличие от обычного населения, живут чаще за городом в домах с садом.
population[ˌpɔpjə’leɪʃ(ə)n] – the number of people living in a particular area, country etc(население, жители)
India has a population of more than 1 billion.
rural[‘ruər(ə)l] – happening in or relating to the countryside, not the city (≠ urban) (деревенский, сельский)
a rural area = countryside

Чтобы прочитать окончание, Вам уже не нужен перевод.
Persevere [pɜ:sɪ’vɪə] – стойко, упорно продолжать.

As part of the study 2,980 people were interviewed about their pet ownership, geography and educational background. Combining the results with census information produced new figures for Britain’s pet population – 10.3 million cats and 10.5 million dogs. The numbers do not include strays.

background[‘bækgraund] – someone’s family, education, previous work etc (происхождение, биографические данные, всё, что связано с жизнью человека)
one’s academic / educational background — сведения о чьём-л. образовании
They told me everything there was to know about the child’s family background.
census[‘sen(t)səs] – an official process of counting a country’s population and finding out about the people (перепись, сбор сведений)
When was the first U.S. census taken?
stray[streɪ] – a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home (бездомный, бродячий)
stray dog – бездомная, бродячая собака

Previous estimates had put the totals at 7.2 million and 7.3 million respectively.

estimate [‘estɪmeɪt] – a calculation of the value, size, amount etc of something (оценка):
a rough estimate (=not an exact calculation) of how much time we’ll need

Dr Jane Murray said: “We are confident that our figures are the most accurate yet. The other estimates are produced by the pet food industry and have not been published in peer reviewed journals. We are not saying there has been a huge spike in the cat and dog populations – we are just getting better at counting them.”

confident[‘kɔnfɪd(ə)nt] – sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect (уверенный)
I feel quite confident about the future.
figure[‘fɪgə] – (figures) – a number representing an amount, especially an official number (количественные данные)
approximate / round figures — приблизительные результаты
the biggest/worst etc (something) yet – used to say that something is the biggest, worst etc of its kind that has existed up to now:
Nordstrom’s latest novel looks like his best yet.
peer [pɪə] – your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc (равный, сверстник):
American children did less well in math than their peers in Japan.
spike[spaɪk] – a sudden large increase in the number or rate of something (резкий скачок)

Researchers at the university’s Department of Clinical Veterinary Science hope to repeat the study 2011, to monitor any changes in population numbers and ownership trends.
The popular myth of cat intelligence was dented last year with the publication of a study showing that they did worse than dogs at a simple reasoning task. Cats presented with two pieces of string, only one of which was attached to a food reward, could not tell which one to pull for their treat.

myth[mɪθ] – миф
dent[dent] – to damage or harm something (негативно влиять, подрывать)
The scandal has dented his reputation.
reasoning[‘riːz(ə)nɪŋ] – a process of thinking carefully about something in order to make a judgment (рассуждение, умозаключение)
faulty reasoning — ошибочное рассуждение
reward[rɪ’wɔːd] – something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard (награда)
treat[triːt] – a special food that tastes good, especially one that you do not eat very often (угощение)

Источник: http://www.telegraph.co.uk


Заполните пропуски.

университетский диплом

общая популяция кошек и собак
  cat and dog population

превосходящий уровень интеллекта владельцев кошек
the     of cat  

хитрые и эгоистичные домашние любимцы
  and   pets

Утром я добираюсь до работы за 45 минут.
My morning   takes 45 minutes.

сведения о чьём-л. образовании
one’s educational  

бродячая собака
a   dog

обезьянка получила дополнительное угощение
the monkey got an extra