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О себе – Talk about yourself – топики по английскому языку с переводом, озвучкой и видео

Топик «О себе» не получится где-нибудь скачать и вызубрить. Вам нужно написать его самостоятельно, а мы поможем Вам в этом.

Прочитайте вопросы ниже и ответьте на них (устно или письменно)

Free time
What do you like doing in your free time?
How much free time do you have each week?
Is there another sport or hobby you would like to try?
Do you have a big family?
What activities do you like doing with your family?
Are you similar or different to other members of your family?
Where you live
Where do you live?
Can you describe the area where you live?
Is it a good place to live? Why or why not?
What subjects do you like the most?
Are there any subjects you don’t like?
Which subjects do you think are the most useful in life?
Are you hoping to go to university? What would you like to study?
What job would you like to do?
Would you like to go and live in a different city or country? Why or why not?
Your best friend
Tell me about your best friend.
What activities do you do together?
Are you similar or different to your best friend?
Do you like using computers? Why or why not?
How much time do you spend on the internet each week?
Tell me about a website you often go to.
How often do you watch films?
What kind of films do you like? Do you have a favourite film?
Do you prefer watching films or reading books? Why?

Теперь просмотрите видео о том как другие учащиеся отвечают на вопросы о себе на английском языке.

Examiner: Hi. What’s your name?
Kelvin: My name is Kelvin.
Examiner: Kelvin, OK. So, Kelvin, I’m going to ask you a few questions. I’d like to ask you about your school. So, what subjects do you like most?
Kelvin: I think I like economics most because I can study different kinds of demand and supply theory and I can use it in *the daily life (my daily life) to observe the market. I think that’s very interesting, yeah, and very useful. Больше всего мне нравится экономика, т.к. я могу изучать различные виды теории спроса и предложения и я могу использовать это в повседневной жизни, чтобы наблюдать за рынком. Это очень интересно и полезно.
Examiner: OK. And are there any subjects that you don’t like so much?
Kelvin: Actually, I don’t like physics too much because I need to calculate many difficult questions and all those mathematics words. *I’m not very get used to them. (I’m not really used to them) So, I don’t like physics.
… Я никак к ним не привыкну. Поэтому мне не нравится физика
Examiner: I see. All right. Well, how about in the future? Are you hoping to go to university?
Kelvin: Yeah, sure.
Examiner: OK, and what would you like to study there?
Kelvin: I think I would like to study something about business. So, I think nowadays we can only make a lot of money by participating in the financial sectors. So, I would like to study something about financial business. I want to get rich, yes.
Examiner: OK, that’s great. Thanks, Kelvin.


Examiner: Hi. What’s your name?
Melissa: My name is Melissa.
Examiner: Melissa?
Melissa: Yeah.
Examiner: Hi, Melissa. And, can you tell me about your family?
Melissa: I’ve got no sisters and brothers. I live with my father and mother and my dog.
Examiner: And your dog?
Melissa: Yeah!
Examiner: Great. All right, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your school. So first, what subjects do you like most?
Melissa: I like mathematics the most because I think it’s *satisfied (satisfying) to calculate the solution. Больше всего мне нравится математика, потому что получаешь удовлетворение, посчитав решение.
Examiner: OK. So, mathematics … is there any other one?
Melissa: And English, I think, because it’s fun to learn a language.
Examiner: Great, OK. Which subjects do you think are most useful for you?
Melissa: I think accounting is the most useful because every company needs an accountant and to be an accountant I need to study this subject. Думаю, что бухгалтерский учет наиболее полезный, потому что каждой фирме требуется бухгалтер и что бы стать бухгалтером мне нужно учить этот предмет.
Examiner: Sure, OK. And are there any subjects that you don’t like?
Melissa: I hate Chinese because it’s difficult to study the *passage (passages). Yeah, and I don’t really understand what it’s about.
Я ненавижу китайский язык, потому что это тяжело учить фрагменты текста. Да и я в действительности не понимаю о чем он.
Examiner: OK, that’s great. Thanks, Melissa.

Обратите внимание, что ученики допустили по паре ошибок. В транскрипте выделены ошибки и дан правильный вариант.

Советы, что делать, а что не нужно

Think about the types of topics and questions you may be asked before the exam. School, family, free time, daily routines and future plans are common topics.
Practise answering simple questions about yourself. Work with a friend to practise or record yourself and listen to the recording.
Listen carefully to the questions. If you don’t understand the question, ask your teacher to repeat it.
Give complete answers in full sentences.
Look at the examiner. His/her face may tell you when you’ve said enough and he/she is ready for the next question.

Memorise your answers. It’s good to have ideas ready, but it’s better not to memorise long replies to typical questions.
Just reply with ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Panic if you are asked an unexpected question. Take a few seconds to think before you answer it.

Примеры фраз, которые можно использовать рассказывая о себе:

My name’s …
I’m from … / I live in …
I was born in …
I’m … years old.
I go to … school.
I like … because …
I don’t like … because …
In my free time / After school, I …
My best friends are … because …
My favourite (school subject, actor, pop group, sport) is … because …
I have … brothers and sisters.
In the future, I’d like to … because …

Все топики по английскому языку с переводом